
Light of hope bible church

Let's Worship God Together

Our goal is to submit to God and His teachings found in the Bible, so that our characters become more like Christ’s, our lives follow God’s will, and the love we have for each other represents hope to the world, lighting the way to Jesus.


Visit Us!

Sunday Service | 10:30am


18810 N 107th Ave, Sun City, AZ 85373


(602) 510-5563

We were made for relationship.

Get Connected

Recorded Sermons

You can watch previous Sunday messages on our Youtube channel. Messages are uploaded weekly.

Bible Study

We have in-person bible studies on Sunday mornings and remote devotionals via Zoom each week, Monday-Friday.


Send Pastor Mike a message with your prayer request; it can stay private or be shared with the prayer group.

Our Beliefs

At Light of Hope Bible Church, we are dedicated to spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ to our community and beyond, by learning to live them out practically in our lives.



Light of Hope Bible Church
18810 N 107th Ave, Sun City, AZ 85373